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** What Happened to the Rich Young Ruler?

Posted on by Shadrach shekowaga Goni

** What Happened to the Rich Young Ruler? ------------------------------------------------------------ At this, the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth – Mark 10:22. That’s the last we hear in the Bible about the man who is sometimes popularly called “the rich young ruler.” This young man was so excited that he literally ran up to Jesus and fell on his knees before him, asking Jesus what he had to do to inherit eternal life. But he refused to give up his wealth for the sake of following Jesus, and the verse above tells you the end of the story in the Bible. But of course, it was not the end of the story for this young man. Have you ever wondered what happened to the rich young ruler? The rich young ruler kept his money for himself but lost every cent of it when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem (between AD. 68-70). While he was very rich he wasn’t able to buy even a moldy crust of bread to alleviate his starvation during the prolonged siege. Every Jew who wasn’t slaughtered at that time was sold as a slave. He who had been the first, became the last. What is standing in your way of following Jesus more closely today? Are you prepared to give it up? Ask the Lord Jesus to show you what it is, and surrender it completely to him.

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